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Who we are

Our faith at Elyon Christian Church is that we are the chosen people of God. He proved this by giving up the greatest treasure in heaven — His own Son Jesus — so that we could have eternal life with Him. When we understand this, His grace completely changes us from the inside out. That's the glory of resting in God the Father's unending mercy and grace. We welcome people of all backgrounds and walks of life into our church family.



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As you grow to know us better, I want you to understand that God is not in a state of hostility toward you in any way. He does not despise you but rather he is really enthusiastic about you. You may be on the lowest level of life, but know that even if you do not know God, you are still very much loved. This applies even if you are not a child of God. God cares so deeply about you that He desires to bring you back to a position where you may live your life with honor and sanity. You have always been and will continue to be God's first priority. You are God's project, and regardless of what others may say about you, regardless of the voices that stand against you, and regardless of the storms that stand against you, you will prevail; simply because God is on your side.

our vision

To spread the saving grace of Jesus Christ over the world in order to rebuild broken lives and develop nations to the glory of the Kingdom of God.

What we believe

Elyon Christian Church is a local church based in Pretoria North, South Africa. Our vision is to spread the saving grace of Jesus Christ over the world in order to rebuild broken lives and develop nations to the glory of the Kingdom of God.  We invite you to learn more about the foundations of our faith and what we believe about overcoming sin, the power of grace, repentance, God’s provision, the holy Communion, and the unity of the church to which God has called us in our statements of belief here.

our core values

Serve Out Of Rest
We can be productive and effective on the outside because we have God's peace and rest on the inside. Serving out of rest is not inactivity, but Spirit-directed activity.

People Matter
We love and value every person because each of us matters to the Lord. In everything we do, we seek to glorify God and edify man.

We seek to excel in all that we do because we have the mind and Spirit of Christ.

Cutting Edge
We endeavor to be innovative and always at the forefront of all that we do. We are geared to the times but still anchored to the Rock.

We treat each other with respect and integrity. We honor and submit to our leaders as unto the Lord.

watch the latest sermons

Wisdom on Friendship | Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
Wisdom on Husband and Wife | Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
The Supremacy of Gods Wisdom | Ps. Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
The Book Of Life | Pastor Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
Winning In Life! | Pastor Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
Wisdom on Alcohol | Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
Why Believers are moneyless | Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
Wisdom on Hate | Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Elyon Christian Church
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