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Understanding your spouse temperament by Ps Rick Netshiozwi | Marriage

Understanding your spouse's temperament is like unlocking a secret door to marital bliss. It's the difference between sailing smoothly on the sea of love and getting caught in unnecessary storms of conflict. Many married couples overlook the critical role that temperament plays in their relationship, leading to misunderstandings, frustration, and even distance. This blog post aims to shed light on the different types of temperaments and how recognizing and appreciating these differences can transform your marriage from surviving to thriving. Whether you're newlyweds or have been together for decades, understanding each other's innate predispositions can pave the way for deeper connection and harmony.

Understanding Temperament

Temperament refers to the fundamental aspects of an individual's personality that are inherent and often evident from a young age, its the real you. It influences how we perceive the world, process emotions, and interact with others. Ps Rick often says a temperament cabe categorised into four main types: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic. Each type has distinct characteristics:

  • Sanguine: Outgoing, social, and enthusiastic, often thriving on social interaction.

  • Choleric: Ambitious, leader-like, and decisive, with a tendency towards action and goal-setting.

  • Melancholic: Thoughtful, analytical, and reserved, often deeply reflective and considerate.

  • Phlegmatic: Peaceful, reliable, and steady, valuing harmony and stability.

Understanding these temperaments offers invaluable insights into our behavior patterns, emotional responses, and interaction styles, setting the stage for exploring their impact on marriages.

The Impact of Temperament in Marriages

The dynamics of a marriage can be profoundly affected by the temperaments of the individuals involved. Each temperament brings its strengths and challenges to a relationship, influencing everything from daily interactions to long-term goals and dreams. Let's delve into how each temperament can impact various aspects of a marriage:

  • Sanguine Spouses: Known for their sociability and enthusiasm, Sanguines can bring a lot of joy and excitement into a marriage. They're often the ones to encourage spontaneous adventures and social gatherings. However, their need for constant stimulation and attention can sometimes overwhelm more introverted or reflective partners. Misunderstandings can arise when a Sanguine's outgoing nature is mistaken for insensitivity or a lack of seriousness about the relationship.

  • Choleric Spouses: Cholerics are natural leaders and problem-solvers, often driven by their goals and ambitions. This can be a tremendous asset in a marriage, especially when it comes to making decisions and taking action. However, their assertiveness and need for control can lead to conflicts, especially if the other spouse feels dominated or undervalued. Understanding and balancing this dynamic is crucial for marital harmony.

  • Melancholic Spouses: Thoughtful and considerate, Melancholics often bring depth and stability to a relationship. Their ability to reflect and empathize can lead to a deeply emotional connection. However, their tendency towards perfectionism and sensitivity to criticism can cause friction, especially if their partner is more laid-back or spontaneous. Recognizing these sensitivities and communicating with kindness and respect is key.

  • Phlegmatic Spouses: Phlegmatics are the peacemakers, often bringing a calming and stabilizing presence to a marriage. Their reliability and steady nature can be a cornerstone for the relationship. Yet, their aversion to conflict and change can sometimes result in complacency or avoidance of necessary discussions. Encouraging open dialogue and gently pushing for growth are essential strategies.

Real-Life Examples:

  • A Sanguine partner planning a surprise party to cheer up their Melancholic spouse might inadvertently cause stress, given the Melancholic's preference for quiet and predictability. Recognizing this, the Sanguine might opt for a smaller, more intimate gathering instead.

  • A Choleric individual's decision to unilaterally make a significant family decision could upset a Phlegmatic partner, who values harmony and collaboration. Acknowledging the need for joint decision-making can prevent resentment and foster unity.

Understanding these dynamics is the first step towards addressing them. By recognizing how temperaments influence behavior, couples can learn to navigate their differences more effectively, leading to improved communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intimacy.

Identifying Your and Your Spouse's Temperament

Discovering and understanding your own temperament, as well as your spouse's, can be a journey of self-discovery and mutual understanding that strengthens your marriage. Here are some strategies to help you identify each other's temperamental traits and preferences:

  1. Reflect on Your Natural Reactions: Consider how you both typically respond to stress, social situations, and daily challenges. Do you seek out company and excitement, or do you prefer solitude and reflection? Observing these patterns can offer clues to your underlying temperaments.

  2. Notice Your Communication Styles: Temperament influences how we communicate. A Choleric might be direct and assertive, while a Phlegmatic could be more accommodating and passive. Recognizing these styles can help you understand and adapt to each other's needs.

  3. Pay Attention to Conflict Resolution: How you handle disagreements can also reflect your temperaments. Sanguines might avoid dwelling on conflicts, seeking quick resolutions to move on to more pleasant interactions. Melancholics, on the other hand, may need time to process emotions and seek thorough understanding.

  4. Observe Leisure Preferences: Your choices of leisure activities can reveal a lot about your temperaments. Does one of you prefer action-packed adventures while the other enjoys quiet, introspective hobbies? These preferences can serve as indicators of your temperamental leanings.

  5. Consider Your Social Circle: The friends you each choose and how you interact with them can also mirror your temperament. A Sanguine might have a wide circle of acquaintances, while a Melancholic may have a few close, deep friendships.

  6. Use Temperament Assessments: Various online assessments and quizzes can offer insights into your temperament. While not definitive, they can serve as a starting point for discussion and exploration.

Strategies for Harmonising Different Temperaments in Marriage

Navigating the waters of marriage with someone of a different temperament can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity for growth and deepening love. Here are strategies to harmonize differing temperaments, ensuring both partners feel understood, valued, and connected:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Make a conscious effort to listen to your partner's perspective without immediately reacting or dismissing their feelings. Active listening involves acknowledging their feelings, asking clarifying questions, and demonstrating empathy. This approach is particularly important when temperaments lead to different communication styles and needs.

  2. Foster Open Communication: Regularly discuss your needs, preferences, and feelings. Use "I" statements to express how certain behaviors affect you, and be specific about what you need from your partner. For instance, a Melancholic might need more quiet time at home, while a Sanguine might need more social outings. Finding a balance that respects both needs is key.

  3. Adapt and Compromise: Recognize that no one's temperament is "better" or more valid than the other's. Be willing to adapt your behavior and compromise where necessary. This might mean a Choleric partner consciously softening their approach during disagreements to accommodate a more sensitive Phlegmatic partner.

  4. Celebrate Differences: Instead of viewing your differences as obstacles, see them as strengths that complement each other. A Sanguine's optimism can uplift a Melancholic's mood, while a Choleric's decisiveness can help a Phlegmatic partner take action on their ideas.

  5. Establish Shared Goals: Working towards common goals can help bridge temperament differences. These could be financial objectives, parenting strategies, or lifestyle aspirations. Collaborating on shared goals fosters unity and teamwork, transcending individual temperament traits.

  6. Engage in Joint Activities: Participate in activities that cater to both temperaments. For example, plan a night out with friends (Sanguine) followed by a quiet evening at home (Melancholic). Shared experiences can build understanding and appreciation for each other's preferences.

  7. Seek Professional Guidance: If temperament differences lead to persistent conflict, consider seeking help from a marriage counselor. Professional guidance can provide strategies tailored to your unique dynamic, helping you understand and navigate your differences more effectively.


Understanding and appreciating the different temperaments in a marriage is not just about avoiding conflict; it's about building a deeper, more meaningful connection. It requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to adapt. By embracing each other's unique traits, couples can navigate the complexities of their relationship with grace and love, turning differences into opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.

Remember, the journey of marriage is one of continual learning and adaptation. Embracing your and your spouse's temperament is a vital step in this journey, one that promises a richer, more harmonious life together.

This exploration of temperaments in marriage highlights the significance of understanding, respect, and love. By investing time and effort into recognizing and valuing each other's innate dispositions, couples can forge a stronger, more resilient bond that stands the test of time.

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