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Care Groups.png


For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)

Our care groups are a great place to share God’s love through the Word and fellowship in a small group setting. You’ll be encouraged in your daily walk with Jesus, build strong kingdom friendships, and even have the opportunity to bless people through various community projects. If you've made Elyon Christian Church your home church, come fellowship with us!

What To Expect?


  • Our care groups typically meet at 6 pm every 1st & 4th Wednesday of the month in person.

  • Each session lasts around 1 hour. 

  • The meetings usually contain different components such as worship, care group lesson, prayer, and thanksgiving. 

  • The care group lessons are specially crafted to help members get to know the Bible on a deeper level and to encourage conversations around the Word. 

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